Our Vision
Christ announced His ministry by proclaiming His heart to bring good news to the poor, liberty to the blind, sight to the captives, and the Lord’s favor. This call to serve the poor is made clear by many of His teachings, the way He lived His life among the poor, and the way His disciples and church lived out these commands. Our vision is that H2O church would build real, gospel-centered relationships with orphans, immigrants, widows and those in poverty – visiting, praying and gathering with them on a regular basis. We want to see the people of our church grow their understanding of Christ’s love, and the life of a devoted disciple.
Current Community Engagement Opportunities
Community Engagement Partners
Some of our partners have ongoing opportunities to serve while others have events throughout the year! Click on a partner to learn more & download the Point app & search for “H2O Columbus” to see what community engagement opportunities we have right now!