Dear Parent,

I’m glad your student is considering h2o for our mission trip to San Jose, Costa Rica!  You, as a parent, and I, as the church staff member leading this trip, share a major goal:  your student’s safety, health, and general well being. Please know that we’re taking every precaution we can to ensure all students have a positive experience.  If you have any questions, or would simply like to introduce yourself, We’d love to speak with you! Feel free to call our personal phone anytime, [(734) 709-9882 for H2O OSU and (614) 214-9325 for H2O IU].  In the meantime, let me address a few concerns you may have:

We will be working with an established, experienced mission agency and missionary.  We are partnering with Great Commission Latin America International (, and Carlos Garcia.  Carlos has been helping churches in the United States coordinate with churches he oversees for over 15 years.  He has been a part of leading and organizing innumerable trips to many different cities in Central America and Mexico.

You will never be completely cut off from contact with your student.  Though we discourage students from personal cell phone use to avoid unexpectedly high cell phone bills; you can contact them via email, message or by calling Carlos Lagos at 506-8401-9299, who will be leading our team throughout the week as we serve their local church.

If you have more questions, I’d love to hear from you! An open door for communication between you, your student, and us, the church leadership, is one of the keys to everyone having a safe and successful trip.  We’re committed to making sure that door is always open.


Mike Malone

H2O Ohio State University and Missions Pastor



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