As of spring 2022, a Personnel Committee of a few non-staff individuals was formed based on a new standard of Reliant, the missions organization that employs H2O’s staff, including its pastors. The purpose of the Personnel Committee is to provide accountability to H2O Church pastors’ performance evaluations and salaries by giving independent church members (who are not church employees, Reliant staff, or related to such), or similarly independent non-members invested in H2O Church, insight and voice into these processes. We are excited for the Personnel Committee because we believe that it will bring more health to H2O and allow congregants an opportunity to serve in an important way.

If a pastor is accused of, or found to be, acting inappropriately, the Personnel Committee will also act as a reporting mechanism to Reliant. Please email to let them know if any concerns come up regarding H2O’s pastors or other leadership.  

If you would like to apply to be part of the Personnel Committee from January 2023- January 2024, please fill out this interest form. More information regarding expectations and details of the role can be provided by the current Personnel Committee. Applicants will be reviewed and selected for the role by the current members of the Personnel Committee with input from the pastors of H2O Church. 

Any questions or comments can be directed to:


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